170 research outputs found

    New Industries in Southeast Asia’s Late Industrialization: Evolution versus Creation - The Automation Industry in Penang (Malaysia) considered

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    Discourse on industry development and policy practice in late industrialization countries in East and Southeast Asia has predominantly tended to relate the emergence of new industries to ‘creation’ by the state and thereby to the role of state intervention or involvement in industrial growth and restructuring. On the other hand the role and position of (local) entrepreneurship in the genesis of new industries has been rather neglected, as little room was perceived for ‘autonomous’ development. Southeast Asian late industrialization is currently being confronted with the limits of development and expansion of specific (FDI-driven) export industries and thus with the necessity to devise new growth paths in industry (on the basis of high tech industries). This compels a reconsideration of policy practice and perceptions of modes of industry development on which it is based. In this paper we argue that a state-orchestrated ‘creation’ of priority industries is not the only possible route to new high tech industries in Southeast Asian late industrialization. This emanates from an analysis - based on field research - of the emergence and development of a recent growth industry in Malaysia, i.e. the manufacturing of automated equipment (or, automation industry) and its constituent firms in the Penang region. The analysis demonstrates that the mode of development of this industry conforms rather well to a number of notions from evolutionary economics on firm genesis and development in new industries. This suggests that successful industrial policies can be based on supporting an evolutionary ‘birth and development’ path, i.e. industry genesis and evolution as a more or less autonomous incremental process of the development of firms and their capabilities.industrial policy, late industrialization, automation industry, Malaysia, co-evolution, spin-out, diversification

    Industrial restructuring and early industry pathways in the Asian 1st generation NICs: The Singapore garment industry

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    This article aims to contribute to an understanding of the industrial dynamics/evolution of mature export production complexes in the first generation Asian NICs, employing an evolutionary economic perspective. Over the past decade and longer the first generation Asian NICs, Singapore included, have been confronted with imperatives necessitating deep restructuring. We observe that industrial decline, associated with failed restructuring caused by lock-in, does not fit these countries, its industrial regions and early industries. Yet research has hardly begun to look at adjustment and address deeper evolution from tenets in the framework of evolutionary economics although such an approach is made not less but rather more relevant by continued resilience. We analyse the pathway(s) of one early industry, i.c. the apparel industry, in Singapore, through the 1980s and 1990s. The withering away in the Singapore context of an industry such as apparel is not inevitable. From a juxtaposition of the line of thinking in evolutionary economics emphasizing hindrance and decline due to path dependency and lock-ins with an alternative line emphasizing the possibility to adjust through renewal and the limited operation of lock-ins, we argue why the latter rather than the former has been the case.evolutionary economics, industrial restruction, Asia, NICs

    Особенности звукосимволических слов в крымскотатарском языке

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    В статье рассматривается проблема звукосимволизма в крымскотатарском языке, приводятся различные точки зрения таких лингвистов, как С. В. Воронин, А. М. Газов-Гинзберг, Л. Н. Харитонов, К.Ш Хусаинов, Bently M., Varon E., Ervin-Tripp S.M., Slobodin и др. по вопросам сущности и происхождения явления звукосимволизма. Звукосимволизмом в языкознании называется отношение между означаемым и означающим, значением и формой, при котором связь между ними носит не произвольный, а зависимый характер. Рассмотрев ряд звукоизобразительных корней и их производных, сопоставив звукоизобразительную функцию отдельных элементов в различных языках, можно утверждать, что существующий в лексике современного крымскотатарского языка определенный пласт несет явно звукосимволическую функцию.У статті розглядається проблема звукосимволізму в кримськотатарській мові, приводяться різні точки зору таких лінгвістів, як С. В. Воронін, А. М. Газов-Гінзберг, Л. Н. Харітонов, К.Ш Хусаїнов, Bently M., Varon E., Ervin-Tripp S.M., Slobodin та інш. щодо питань суті і походження явища звукосимволізму. Звукосимволізмом в мовознавстві називається відношення між означеним і означаючим, значенням і формою, при якому зв'язок між ними носить не довільний, а залежний характер. Розглянувши ряд звукозображувальних коренів та їх похідних, зіставивши звукозображувальну функцію окремих елементів в різних мовах, можна стверджувати, що існуючий в лексиці сучасної кримськотатарської мови певний пласт несе явно звукосимволічну функцію.In clause (article) are considered sound symbolic words, the points of view of various linguists, such as by Voronin S.V., Gazov-Ginzberg А.М., Haritonov L.N., Husainov K.Sh., Bently M., Varon E., Ervin-Tripp S.M., Slobodin, etc. on questions of an origin and existence of sound symbolizm. Sound symbolizm in linguistics is a relation between meaned and meaning, mean and a shape. Being consider onomatopoeic words, their functions in different languages, we did the conclusion that in modern crimeantatar language some onomatopoeic words are doing sound symbolic function

    Роль логістичних комплексів у розвитку системи міжнародних транспортних коридорів України

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    Одним из важнейших факторов социально-экономического роста Украины, который обеспечит единство экономического пространства страны, совершенствование межрегиональных и международных транспортно-экономических связей, рационализацию размещения производительных сил, повышение эффективности использования природных ресурсов и социально-экономического потенциала регионов страны, развитие предпринимательства и расширение международного сотрудничества, вхождение Украины в мировую экономику как равноправного партнера, могло бы стать развитие системы международных транспортных коридоров в нашей стране.Одним із найважливіших чинників соціально-економічного зростання України, що забезпечить єдність економічного простору країни, вдосконалення міжрегіональних і міжнародних транспортно-економічних зв'язків, раціоналізацію розміщення продуктивних сил, підвищення ефективності використання природних ресурсів і соціально-економічного потенціалу регіонів країни, розвиток підприємництва і розширення міжнародної співпраці, входження України в світову економіку як рівноправного партнера, міг би стати розвиток системи міжнародних транспортних коридорів в нашій країні

    The roles of transforming growth factor-β, Wnt, Notch and hypoxia on liver progenitor cells in primary liver tumours

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    Primary liver tumours have a high incidence and mortality. The most important forms are hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, both can occur together in the mixed phenotype hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma. Liver progenitor cells (LPCs) are bipotential stem cells activated in case of severe liver damage and are capable of forming both cholangiocytes and hepatocytes. Possibly, alterations in Wnt, transforming growth factor-, Notch and hypoxia pathways in these LPCs can cause them to give rise to cancer stem cells, capable of driving tumourigenesis. In this review, we summarize and discuss current knowledge on the role of these pathways in LPC activation and differentiation during hepatocarcinogenesis

    Modulation of the unfolded protein response by tauroursodeoxycholic acid counteracts apoptotic cell death and fibrosis in a mouse model for secondary biliary liver fibrosis

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    The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress and the unfolded protein response (UPR) in cholestatic liver disease and fibrosis is not fully unraveled. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), a hydrophilic bile acid, has been shown to reduce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and counteract apoptosis in different pathologies. We aimed to investigate the therapeutic potential of TUDCA in experimental secondary biliary liver fibrosis in mice, induced by common bile duct ligation. The kinetics of the hepatic UPR and apoptosis during the development of biliary fibrosis was studied by measuring markers at six different timepoints post-surgery by qPCR and Western blot. Next, we investigated the therapeutic potential of TUDCA, 10 mg/kg/day in drinking water, on liver damage (AST/ALT levels) and fibrosis (Sirius red-staining), in both a preventive and therapeutic setting. Common bile duct ligation resulted in the increased protein expression of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein homologous protein (CHOP) at all timepoints, along with upregulation of pro-apoptotic caspase 3 and 12, tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1A (TNFRsf1a) and Fas-Associated protein with Death Domain (FADD) expression. Treatment with TUDCA led to a significant reduction of liver fibrosis, accompanied by a slight reduction of liver damage, decreased hepatic protein expression of CHOP and reduced gene and protein expression of pro-apoptotic markers. These data indicate that TUDCA exerts a beneficial effect on liver fibrosis in a model of cholestatic liver disease, and suggest that this effect might, at least in part, be attributed to decreased hepatic UPR signaling and apoptotic cell death

    HDAC inhibitors in experimental liver and kidney fibrosis

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    Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors have been extensively studied in experimental models of cancer, where their inhibition of deacetylation has been proven to regulate cell survival, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. This in turn has led to the use of a variety of HDAC inhibitors in clinical trials. In recent years the applicability of HDAC inhibitors in other areas of disease has been explored, including the treatment of fibrotic disorders. Impaired wound healing involves the continuous deposition and cross-linking of extracellular matrix governed by myofibroblasts leading to diseases such as liver and kidney fibrosis; both diseases have high unmet medical needs which are a burden on health budgets worldwide. We provide an overview of the potential use of HDAC inhibitors against liver and kidney fibrosis using the current understanding of these inhibitors in experimental animal models and in vitro models of fibrosis

    P311, Friend, or Foe of Tissue Fibrosis?

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    P311 was first identified by the group of Studler et al. (1993) in the developing brain. In healthy, but mainly in pathological tissues, P311 is implicated in cell migration and proliferation. Furthermore, evidence in models of tissue fibrosis points to the colocalization with and the stimulation of transforming growth factor β1 by P311. This review provides a comprehensive overview on P311 and discusses its potential as an anti-fibrotic target

    High Throughput Micro-Well Generation of Hepatocyte Micro-Aggregates for Tissue Engineering

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    The main challenge in hepatic tissue engineering is the fast dedifferentiation of primary hepatocytes in vitro. One successful approach to maintain hepatocyte phenotype on the longer term is the cultivation of cells as aggregates. This paper demonstrates the use of an agarose micro-well chip for the high throughput generation of hepatocyte aggregates, uniform in size. In our study we observed that aggregation of hepatocytes had a beneficial effect on the expression of certain hepatocyte specific markers. Moreover we observed that the beneficial effect was dependent on the aggregate dimensions, indicating that aggregate parameters should be carefully considered. In a second part of the study, the selected aggregates were immobilized by encapsulation in methacrylamide-modified gelatin. Phenotype evaluations revealed that a stable hepatocyte phenotype could be maintained during 21 days when encapsulated in the hydrogel. In conclusion we have demonstrated the beneficial use of micro-well chips for hepatocyte aggregation and the size-dependent effects on hepatocyte phenotype. We also pointed out that methacrylamide-modified gelatin is suitable for the encapsulation of these aggregates